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Exp_1-orig - Igor

You recorded interview or lecture, but it turned out too silently, illegibly, with a large background noise quantity, or opposite: overloads and distortions are heard? Not at that time the mobile phone sounded, or foully the chair began to creak? Possibly, you executed the hidden audio recording and had no opportunity to come nearer to object so that to receive the best quality of record? - Do not despair! Send me a fragment of the audio and if it gives in to correction (is, of course, cases when the audio recording does not give in to correction), I free of charge process a fragment, and I will send it to you for listening. If quality and the price * suit you - the problem is solved! * 



Exp_1-FX - Igor
Exp_2-FX - Igor
Exp_2-orig - Igor
Exp_3_FX - Igor
Exp_3-orig - Igor
Anchor 2

* In operation I use the advanced multi-stage method which allows to delete ambient noises without distortions of the useful signal and yields excellent results (see examples above). Similar quality of cleaning isn't possible to receive by only well-known methods extended in a network. It is possible to speak about the price only approximately. The exact working costs are defined after listening of fragments sent by you. As a rule, the price of cleaning of an audio recording lasting up to 1 hour makes from $10 to $20. Minimum cost of the order = $6.


** Certainly, it far not the complete list of cases when my services can be necessary for you. Anyway, whether it be aged record from a vinyl or a recorder tape, in a word, if you have any audio recording which is required to be cleaned, restored and made suitable for listening - address to me. I guarantee confidentiality of sent information. It means that the end result will be given only to the customer then all sources, and also the copy of the processed material, will be irrevocably removed.


P. S. In particular my services can be useful during audiotrack preparation to your movie (see examples above). For example, when there is a large number of interview and the text, recorded in different conditions, with the different audio level and frequency response; when it is necessary to balance episodes between itself, to raise overall level of volume, to strengthen legibility without gain of ambient noises and distortions; when it is necessary to superimpose music over the text and achieve their proper correlation. Remember! Badly prepared audio track in your movie can make ugly impression about the movie as a whole!

Anchor 4

Example of mixing and mastering of an audiotrack of the movie's:

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